Welcome to csuglobal
“California excites interest, envy, and longing throughout the world. It is a beacon for innumerable refugees, immigrants, and tourists from all quarters of the globe, seeking freedom, excitement, or improved economic opportunities. California is often compared to a loadstone, or a magnet, or the moon drawing tides. On occasion California is fancifully described as an enchantress – Circe, or one of the Sirens or the Lorelei. Every utopian name imaginable has been applied at some time – Atlantis, Arcadia, Avalon, the Garden of Eden, El Dorado, the Elysian Fields, the Garden of Golden Apples…the Isle of the Blest…the Promised Land, the Terrestrial Paradise and Treasure Island…In the minds of some explorers, those island myths became fixed ideas. Out of them grew the obsession that California was an island. This notion persisted on and off for two centuries following California’s discovery…Anybody who has felt the irresistible pull of California will feel some affinity with this fascinating tradition. Though the dream didn’t – couldn’t – literally come true, California remains symbolically an enchanted isle.” Read More
By Alison Holmes

Global California for All

APEC is Coming to San Francisco: Asian Economic Multilateralism in and for California
California will host the 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in November. Political and business leaders will join APEC San Francisco under the theme, “Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All.” Ahead of the summit, Governor Newsom consolidated California’s ties with China by meeting President Xi Jinping in Beijing and touring major coastal regions including China’s Greater Bay Area. The October visit focused on climate change, economic development, and cultural exchange, supporting APEC 2023 priorities of building an “Interconnected, Innovative, and Inclusive” region. Read More
By See-Won Byun

The Global Impact of Public Sector Leadership Education in California
The Center for California Studies, housed since 1982 at Sacramento State, has long served to bridge academia and government in the service of strengthening California’s democracy. Being located in California’s capital strategically positions the Center as a link between the University and the branches of California’s government, think tanks, other universities, and outside partnerships involved with public service in California. Read More
By Brian Aguilar

Keeping International Trade in Front of California Businesses
As the Biden administration and 118th Congress are about to begin work in January 2023, post the mid-term election, the California Chamber of Commerce is communicating its international trade priorities and support for working together to secure a national free trade agenda. International trade has been stifled over the last several years due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, protectionist policies, global shipping crisis, the war in Ukraine and now inflationary pressures. It is as important as ever for all to understand the significance that trade provides to our economy. Read More
By Susanne Stirling
global ca digest*

New law will allow some Mexican residents to pay in-state tuition at California community colleges.
Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed Assembly Bill 91 based on a Texas law that allows Mexican residents living near the border to pay in-state tuition. The new California law will permit low-income Mexican residents and citizens living within 45 miles of the Mexico-California border to pay in-state tuition. Read More

California leading on climate change — or changing the rules?
On August 31, 2022, California lawmakers passed a package of laws setting a goal for net-zero carbon emissions by 2045. The California Climate Crisis Act (AB-279), introduced by Assembly Member Muratsuchi, requires California to reduce carbon emissions by 85% by 2045. Carbon sequestration: Carbon Capture, Removal, Utilization, and Storage Program (SB-905), introduced by Senators Caballero and Skinner, aims at deployment of carbon capture technology with community protections and environmental provisions. Oil and gas: Operations: Location Restrictions: Notice of Intention: Health Protection Zone: Sensitive Receptors (SB1137), introduced by Senators Gonzales and Limón, codifies community protections and sets limits for the pollution impact of oil wells. Read More
Selected by Jade Holladay

AB 1766 — Undocumented Citizens Granted California IDs.
AB 1766 will grant undocumented citizens the ability to acquire a state Identification card by July 1, 2027 granting them fuller access to social services, health care and other forms of support and unlike many other US states. Read More
Selected by Jasmine Huete.

Subnational activism in the Golden state
In November of 2022, residents of California’s San Bernardino County voted on whether or not secession from the state should be considered. The question was, “Do the citizens of San Bernardino County want the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors to study all options to obtain its fair share of state and federal resources, up to and including secession?” The measure passed (barely). A new state of San Bernardino — called Empire — would be more populous than 15 other U.S. states if it seceded. Read More
Selected by: Jade Holladay.
*These articles were researched/summarized by International Studies students at Cal Poly Humboldt as part of a research assignment. If your students would like to highlight a local, regional or state story that connects CA to the world email csuglobalmanagingeditor@humboldt.edu
ca in the global news

Newsom’s visit underscores electric car reality: China holds the keys to battery industry Read More

Are Carbon Offsets Actually Working? Read More

CalChamber to Attend APEC CEO Summit in San Francisco Read More
around the csu
CSU Recognized for Connecting Students with Global Experiences: Five of its universities named Fulbright HSI leader by the US Department of State. Read More
Invest in the CSU; Invest in California’s Future. Read More
Seven CSUs Hold Prestigious Research Designation. Read More
Exploring Queen Califia’s Realm through Dance and Music
Mark Freeman is a professor emeritus of Television, Film, and New Media in the School of Theatre, Television, and Film at San Diego State University.
csuglobal: conversations
Prof. Richard Marcus (Long Beach) talks with CSU leaders about California’s global engagement and the impact of csuglobal.
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Other California News

Connecting California to the world.
Public Policy Institute of California’s new report on broadband two years after Senate Bill (SB) 156 dedicated over $6 billion to expand the state’s infrastructure and promote digital literacy. The goal was to help at least 2 million unserved or underserved communities connect to the world through broadband
Diplomacy Matters: California Leading the Way. Webinar hosted by World Trade Center Northern California and Global Ties San Francisco with panelists: Lieutenant Governor of California Eleni Kounalakis, Consul General to Mexico in Sacramento Liliana Ferrer, and California Chamber of Commerce Vice President of International Affairs Susanne Stirling. Moderated by President and Chief Executive Officer of Global Ties U.S. Katherine Brown, Ph.D. Feb 17, 2021